Practice Coaching

  • Forum
    Last post
  • Finding and Engaging with Practice Clients
    This sub-forum hosts discussion about how to find practice clients and how to engage with them before, during and after the coaching process.
    11 Topics
    55 Posts
    Last post by bill-burridge View the latest post
  • The New Insights Life Coaching System
    This sub-forum is for discussion about the New Insights Life Coaching System, how to use the System and the Session Notes, restrictions on the System, what makes the System unique, etc.
    23 Topics
    134 Posts
    Last post by catherine-ndungu View the latest post
  • Delivering Sessions 1&2
    In this sub-forum we host discussion about applying the Skills Training theory to run Sessions 1 and 2 of the New Insights Life Coaching System most effectively, the key challenges and what to look out for.
    44 Topics
    256 Posts
    Last post by michelle-hanassab View the latest post
  • Delivering Sessions 3-8
    In this sub-forum we host discussion about applying the Skills Training theory to run Sessions 3 through to 8 of the New Insights Life Coaching System most effectively, the key challenges and what to look out for.
    23 Topics
    92 Posts
    Last post by bill-burridge View the latest post
  • Delivering Sessions 9-15
    In this sub-forum we host discussion about applying the Skills Training theory to run Sessions 9 through to 15 of the New Insights Life Coaching System most effectively, the key challenges and what to look out for.
    12 Topics
    45 Posts
    Last post by bill-burridge View the latest post
  • Delivering a Free-form session
    This sub-forum is for general discussion about free-form coaching, generic coaching models, how to go about it and what to look out for.
    2 Topics
    14 Posts
    Last post by rhona-mcwalter View the latest post
  • Coaching Case Studies
    This sub-forum is for sharing, discussing and learning from actual coaching experiences (with practice or paying clients) that are of a more general nature. Please be mindful of the Code of Ethics and ensure that any information you share is suitably generic son as not to compromise the privacy or interests of your clients.
    28 Topics
    104 Posts
    Last post by nikiwe-shilobane View the latest post